
  • Linux (tested on Ubuntu, Debian derivatives should be fine, CentOS/Red Hat should work but not tested)
  • Expect
  • Go v1.4+ (if compiling from source)
  1. Download the appropiate .deb for your architecture from the GitHub Release
  2. Install the .deb file
  3. Edit /opt/icarchive/config/configuration.toml to fit your environment
  4. Restart icarchive service
  5. In your browser go to http://[hostname]:8080 (8080 is the default port, replace it with what you set in the configuration)

Example for 64-bit:

dpkg -i infra-config-archive-v2.2.0-linux-amd64.deb
vim /opt/icarchive/config/configuration.toml
service icarchive restart

Installing from Tarball

  1. Download the appropiate .tar.gz for your architecture from the GitHub Release
  2. Untar the folder to an appropiate directory
  3. Copy config/sample-configuration.toml to config/configuration.toml
  4. Edit the configuration to fit your environment
  5. Run the icaexec executable
  6. In your browser go to http://[hostname]:8080 (8080 is the default port, replace it with what you set in the configuration)

Example for 64-bit:

tar zvxf infra-config-archive-v2.2.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
cd icarchive
cp config/sample-configuration.toml config/configuration.toml
vim config/configuration.toml

Installing from Source

  1. Get the source code
  2. Compile with Go
  3. Copy config/sample-configuration.toml to config/configuration.toml
  4. Edit the configuration to fit your environment
  5. Run the icaexec executable
  6. In your browser go to http://[hostname]:8080 (8080 is the default port, replace it with what you set in the configuration)
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build -o icaexec
cp config/sample-configuration.toml config/configuration.toml
vim config/configuration.toml

Setup Cron Job

  1. Run crontab -e -u [user to run cron].
  2. Add 0 5 * * 1 curl http://[hostname of ICA server]:[port]/api/runnow to the bottom of the file.
  3. Now this job will run at 5am on Sunday every week.

Setup Upstart Job

If you installed ICA with the debian package, this as already been setup for you.

  1. Copy upstart.conf to /etc/init/ica.conf
  2. Edit /etc/init/ica.conf and make any appropiate settings such as user to run as, the folder containing the ICA executable, and the full path of the ICA executable
  3. Run start ica to verify the job works. The Upstart job will start on boot and can be managed with [start, stop, status] ica.

The source code is available at: